About Kubeapps
How-to guides
Kubeapps Releases Developer Guide ¶
The purpose of this document is to guide you through the process of releasing a new version of Kubeapps.
0 - Ensure all 3rd-party dependencies are up to date ¶
This step aims at decreasing the number of outdated dependencies so that we can get the latest patches with bug and security fixes. It consists of four main stages: update the development images, update the CI, update the chart and, finally, update the dependencies.
0.1 - Development images ¶
For building the development container images , a number of base images are used in the build stage. Specifically:
- The
- bitnami/node for building the static files for production.
- bitnami/nginx for serving the HTML and JS files as a simple web server.
- Those services written in Golang use the same bitnami/golang image for building the binary, but then a scratch image is used for actually running it. These Dockerfiles are:
- Those services written in Rust use the same _/rust image for building the binary, but then a bitnami/minideb image is used for actually running it. These Dockerfiles are:
In some images, some build-time linters or tools are used (e.g., buf
linter, gosec
or golangci-lint
, etc.).
When updating the base container image, these tools (like BUF_VERSION
) should be updated to the latest minor/patch version.
As part of this release process, these image tags must be updated to the latest minor/patch version. In case of a major version, the change should be tracked in a separate PR. Note: as the official container images are those being created by Bitnami, we should ensure that we are using the same major version as they are using.
0.2 - CI configuration and images ¶
In order to be in sync with the container images while running the different CI jobs, it is necessary to also update the CI image versions. Find further information in the CI configuration and the e2e tests documentation .
0.2.1 - CI configuration ¶
In the GitHub Actions Kubeapps General Workflow definition we have an initial declaration of the variables used along with the file. The versions used there must match the ones used for building the container images. Consequently, these variables must be changed accordingly:
must match the versions used by our services written in Golang, for instance, kubeapps-apis .NODE_VERSION
must match the major version used by the dashboard .RUST_VERSION
must match the version used by the pinniped-proxy .DOCKER_REGISTRY_VERSION
can be updated to the latest tag provided by Docker .HELM_VERSION_MIN
must match the one listed in the Bitnami Application Catalog prerequisites .HELM_VERSION_STABLE
should be updated with the latest stable version from the Helm releases .OLM_VERSION
should be updated with the latest stable version from the OLM releases .CHARTMUSEUM_VERSION
should be updated with the latest stable version from the chartmuseum/charts releases .KAPP_CONTROLLER_VERSION
should be updated with the latest stable version from the Kapp Controller releases .MKCERT_VERSION
should be updated with the latest stable version from the mkcert releases .KUBECTL_VERSION
should match the Kubernetes minor version (or minor version +1) used inGKE_REGULAR_VERSION_XX
and listed in the Kubernetes releases page .GITHUB_VERSION
should be updated with the latest stable version from the GitHub CLI releases .SEMVER_VERSION
should be updated with the latest stable version from the semver releases .KIND_VERSION
should be updated with the latest stable version from the kind releases .K8S_KIND_VERSION
must match the Kubernetes minor version used inGKE_REGULAR_VERSION_XX
and should be updated with one of the available image tags for a given Kind release .POSTGRESQL_VERSION
must match the version used by the Bitnami PostgreSQL chart .FLUX_VERSION
should be updated with the latest stable version from the Flux releases .HUGO_VERSION
should be updated with the latest stable version from the Hugo releases .
might have to be updated if the Stable and Regular Kubernetes versions in GKE have changed. Check this information on
this GKE release notes website
is set, when no matching versions are found GKE, it will fall back to the current default one.
When updating the GOLANG_VERSION
, the Go version used in the
CodeQL Github Action
might be updated as well.
As part of this release process, these variables must be updated accordingly. Other variable changes should be tracked in a separate PR.
0.2.2 - CI integration image and dependencies ¶
We use a separate integration image for running the e2e tests consisting of a simple Node image with a set of dependencies. Therefore, upgrading it includes:
- The integration dependencies can be updated by running:
cd integration
yarn upgrade
- The integration/Dockerfile uses a image for running the e2e tests.
As part of this release process, this Node image tag may be updated to the latest minor/patch version. In case of a major version, the change should be tracked in a separate PR. Analogously, its dependencies may also be updated, but in case of a major change, it should be tracked in a separate PR.
0.3 - Protobuf dependencies and autogenerated code ¶
As per the introduction of the new Kubeapps APIs service, it is based upon automatic code generation for both the frontend code and backend code. Given that generation rules can evolve to improve or reduce possible bugs, it is important to perform a periodic update.
- To upgrade the
-related dependencies, just run:
# You need to have the latest buf binary installed, if not, go to
make buf-mod-update
- Next, the autogenerated code ought to be regenerated.
# You need to have the latest buf binary installed, if not, go to
make buf-generate
As part of this process, the
autogenerated API documentation
may have changed. If so, it must be updated in the
API docs we bundle in the dashboard
To do so, the autogenerated file should be first converted to OpenAPI 3 (using, for instance,
this tool
). Then, just copy the
and components
sections from the generated file to the dashboard’s openapi.yaml
file. Finally, note that all the paths in the openapi.yaml
file must be prefixed
with /apis/
, so that the interactive API docs work properly.
As part of this release process, the buf.lock dependencies must be updated to the latest versions. In case of a major version, the change should be tracked in a separate PR.
0.4 - Upgrading the code dependencies ¶
Currently, we have three types of dependencies: the dashboard dependencies , the golang dependencies , and the rust dependencies . They must be upgraded to the latest minor/patch version to get the latest bug and security fixes.
Dashboard dependencies ¶
Upgrade the dashboard dependencies by running:
cd dashboard
yarn upgrade
Note: If there are certain dependencies which cannot be updated currently, yarn upgrade-interactive
allows selecting just certain items for upgrade.
Golang dependencies ¶
Check the outdated golang dependencies by running the following (from How to upgrade and downgrade dependencies ):
go mod tidy
go list -u -f '{{if (and (not (or .Main .Indirect)) .Update)}}{{.Path}}: {{.Version}} -> {{.Update.Version}}{{end}}' -m all 2> /dev/null
Then, try updating to the latest version for all direct and indirect dependencies of the current module running this command:
go get -u ./...
In case this above command fails (for example, due to an issue with transitive dependencies), you can manually upgrade those versions. A useful tool for doing so is go-mod-upgrade .
Rust dependencies ¶
Upgrade the rust dependencies by running:
cd cmd/pinniped-proxy/
cargo update
cd cmd/oci-catalog/
cargo update
Security and chart sync PRs ¶
Finally, look at the
pull requests
and ensure there is no PR open by Snyk
or kubeapps-bot
fixing a security issue or bringing upstream chart changes. If so, discuss it with another Kubeapps maintainer
and come to a decision on it, trying not to release with a high/medium severity issue.
As part of this release process, the dashboard deps must be updated, the golang deps should be updated, the rust deps should be updated and the security check must be performed.
Send a PR with the upgrades ¶
Now create a Pull Request containing all these changes (only if no major versions have been bumped up) and wait until for another Kubeapps maintainer to review and accept so you can merge it.
0.5 - Update the website engine ¶
The Kubeapps website is built using Hugo . Hugo is a static site generator written in Go. It is used to generate the Kubeapps website from Markdown files and HTML templates. The Kubeapps website is hosted on . Netlify is a cloud-based platform that automatically builds and deploys websites when new code is pushed to a Git repository.
To update the website engine, you need to Update the HUGO_VERSION
variable in the
to the latest
Hugo release
1 - Select the commit to be tagged and perform some tests ¶
Once the dependencies have been updated and the chart changes merged, the next step is to choose the proper commit so that we can base the release on it. It is, usually, the latest commit in the main branch. Then, some manual and automated tests should be performed to ensure the stability and reliability of the release.
1.1 - Trigger the Full Integration Pipeline
workflow (former prerelease
flow in CircleCI
) ¶
The Full Integration Pipeline
workflow in GitHub Actions is a manual workflow that runs the full pipeline, including those end-to-end tests
that are run on external k8s clusters, usually managed by a cloud provider (currently only GKE). To trigger this workflow you have to follow
the following steps:
- Go to the Actions section in the Kubeapps GitHub repository.
- Click on
Full Integration Pipeline
in the list of workflows on the left side of the screen. - Click on the
Run Workflow
dropdown selector at the right-top of the list of workflow runs. - Select
(the default one) in the list of branches. - Click the
Run workflow
button. - You can then interact with and watch the workflow run that has just been created.
1.2 - Perform a manual test ¶
Even though we have a thorough test suite in our repository, we still must perform a manual review of the application as it is in the selected commit. To do so, follow these instructions:
- Perform a checkout of the chosen commit.
- Install Kubeapps using the development chart:
helm install kubeapps ./chart/kubeapps/ -n kubeapps
- Note that if you are not using the latest commit in the main branch, you may have to locally build the container images so that the cluster uses the proper images.
- Ensure the core functionality is working:
- Add a repository
- Install an application from the catalog
- Upgrade this application
- Delete this application
- Deploy an application in an additional cluster
2 - Create a git tag ¶
Next, create a tag for the aforementioned commit and push it to the remote repository. Please note that the tag name will be used as the release name.
When a new tag is detected, Bitnami will automatically build a set of container images based on the tagged commit. They later will be published in the Bitnami Dockerhub image registry . Please note that this workflow is run outside the control of the Kubeapps release process. Please note also that the Bitnami Catalog will publish a version of the chart whenever one (single) image is published, which means that we need to be careful if any Kubeapps component updates are interdependent, perhaps requesting the Kubeapps chart publishing be paused until all images are published.
For doing so, run the following commands:
export VERSION_NAME="v1.0.0-beta.1" # edit it accordingly
git push origin ${VERSION_NAME} # replace `origin` by your remote name
You can retrieve the
using the semver tool for properly increasing the version from the latest pushed tag:export VERSION_NAME="v$(semver bump <major|minor|patch> $(git fetch --tags && git describe --tags $(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1)))"
A new tag pushed to the repository will trigger, apart from the usual test and build steps, the as described in the CI documentation . An example of the triggered workflow is depicted below:
3 - Complete the GitHub release notes ¶
Once the release job is finished, you will have a pre-populated draft GitHub release .
You still must add a high-level description with the release highlights. Please take apart those commits just bumping dependencies up; it may prevent important commits from being clearly identified by our users.
Then, save the draft and do not publish it yet and get these notes reviewed by another Kubeapps maintainer.
4 - Manually review the PR created in the bitnami/charts repository ¶
Since the chart that we host in the Kubeapps repository is only intended for development purposes, we need to synchronize it with the official one in the bitnami/charts repository .
To this end, our CI system will automatically (in the sync_chart_to_bitnami
job, as described in the
CI documentation
send a PR with the current development changes to
their repository
whenever a new release is triggered.
Once the PR has been created, have a look at it (eg. remove any development changes that should not be released) and wait
for someone from the Bitnami team to review and accept it.
Some issues can arise here, so please check the app versions are being properly updated at once and ensure you have the latest changes in the PR branch. Note that the bitnami-bot usually performs some automated commits to the main branch that might collide with the changes in our PR. In particular, it will release a new version of the chart with the updated images.
5 - Check Dockerfiles and notify the proper teams ¶
Eventually, as the Kubeapps code continues to evolve, some changes are often introduced in our own development container images . However, those changes won’t get released in the official Bitnami repository unless we manually notify the proper team to also include those changes in their building system.
As part of this release process, each Kubeapps component’s Dockerfile must be compared against the one in the previous release. If they functionally differ each other, the Bitnami Content team must be notified.
6 - Check released version is in Bitnami repository ¶
Make sure the version is now publicly available in Bitnami repository. The correct app and chart versions should appear when performing a search:
helm repo update && helm search repo kubeapps
7 - Publish the GitHub release ¶
Once the new version of the Kubeapps official chart has been published and the release notes reviewed, you are ready to publish the release by clicking on the publish button in the GitHub releases page .
Take into account that the chart version will be eventually published as part of the usual Bitnami release cycle. So expect this step to take a certain amount of time.
8 - Promote the release ¶
Tell the community about the new release by using our Kubernetes slack #kubeapps channel . If it includes major features, you might consider promoting it on social media.
- 0 - Ensure all 3rd-party dependencies are up to date
- 1 - Select the commit to be tagged and perform some tests
- 1.1 - Trigger the
Full Integration Pipeline
workflow (formerprerelease
flow inCircleCI
) - 1.2 - Perform a manual test
- 2 - Create a git tag
- 3 - Complete the GitHub release notes
- 4 - Manually review the PR created in the bitnami/charts repository
- 5 - Check Dockerfiles and notify the proper teams
- 6 - Check released version is in Bitnami repository
- 7 - Publish the GitHub release
- 8 - Promote the release